Basic Tentative

Home ? Motivators ? Basic Tentative




Date: Your choice
Venue: Your choice

Solely conducted by the only juruam and motivator recorded by
Malaysia Book of Records
Specially designed

1st day

Evening Session

2.30 pm - 4.00 pm
Introduction to the wonderful world of 3E.

4.30 pm - 5.00 pm
1st 3E therapy exercise.

2nd day

Morning Session
Overall content is to learn human anatomy and identify three 3E's principal ie, (Extra MIND, Extra MILD & Extra MILE) and also the relationship between heart and mind. With this, participants will realize their own potential and also the need of great imagination to preserve the outstandingly great spirit.

8.30 am - 10.00 am
Module 1.

10.00 am - 10.30 am
2nd 3E therapy exercise.

10.30 am - 11.00 am
Tea break.

11.00 am - 1.00 pm
Module 2.

1.00 pm - 2.30 pm
Launch & solat.


Evening Session
Subject matter is to clean heart, mind and brain. Discharging of four main currents - beta, alpha, theta and delta and also tries to be in 100% outstanding current, which is the alpha. The reason why humans lack of motivation and fail to do the best in everything is because they fail to release these flows. Learn how to clean your heart, mind and brain. Learn how to get motivated and happy life.

2.30 pm - 4.00 pm
Module 3.

4.00 pm - 4.30 pm
3rd 3E therapy exercise.

9.00 pm - 10.00 pm (Alternative)
Al-Mathurat / Counseling with appointment only.



3rd day

Morning Session
Overall content is to develop desire, needs, target, objective, determination and ambition to boost success network and eliminate stress, gaining health, better look, increased productivity and create happiness.

8.30 am - 10.00 am
Module 4.

10.00 am - 10.30 am
4th 3E therapy exercise.

10.30 am - 11.00 am
Tea break.

11.00 am - 1.00 pm
Module 5.

1.00 pm - 2.30 pm
Launch & solat.


Evening Session
Overall content is an activity to suit the target and course objective. Learning healthier ways to manage life. You can increase your resistance to lack of motivational values by strengthening your physical health. 

2.30 pm - 4.00 pm
Module 6.

4.00 pm - 4.30 pm
5th 3E therapy exercise.

9.00 pm - 10.00 pm (Alternative)
Al-Mathurat / Counseling with appointment only.



4th day

Morning Session
Together we will identity:

  • What caused problems. How you felt, both physically and emotionally.
  • How to acted and response correctly and excellent in working place.
  • What you can do to make yourself better than the best.

8.30 am - 10.00 am
Module 7.

10.00 am - 10.30 am
6th 3E therapy exercise.

10.30 am - 11.00 am
Tea break.

11.00 am - 11.30 am
Sharing & graduation.

11.30 am - 12.00 pm
Launch, solat and check-out.


3E's Vision, Mission and Objective
3E, through it means to update imagination to maximize mind potential thoroughly and completely. Success, excellence and happiness through the formula of 3E are priority.
3E is an EXCELLENT formula to make you more EFFECTIVE in an ENTERTAINING way.

What is 3E
3E stand for:
Extra MIND. Kaedah menggunakan minda dan otak dengan kepelbagaian cara fikir supaya anda berada pada tahap hebat sekali.
Extra MILD. Kaedah pengawalan emosi untuk mendapat ketenangan dan kebijaksanaan serta kebahagiaan mutlak dalam kehidupan yang penuh mencabar.
Extra MILE. Kaedah memperalatkan keseluruhan diri untuk kesihatan dan stamina luar biasa bagus.

The Way 3E Look at Motivation

Many people don't think about motivation unless they're already on the verge of burnout. With our busy lives, it doesn't always seem obviously important to take on the practice of motivation before a worn-out body or an overly taxed psyche force the issue.
However, developing healthy life relieving habits really does pay off in the long run. Not only does a regular stress management practice stave off the negative effects and negative attitude, but it can also bring positive outcomes like increased productivity, better health and more happiness in general.
Everyone experiences lack of motivation from time to time, so it is perfectly normal. However, normal doesn't necessarily mean healthy. Nor is it inevitable! Believe it or not, you can learn how to largely eliminate problems. I don't mean eliminate the pressures in your life - those will probably persist. The way I think of it, pressure is what is happening to you, but get motivated is how you react to those pressures. So, you can keep the pressure and get rid of the stress. In another words, you may enjoy your pressure and benefited from them and get motivated as well.
I have successfully managed my own life and really benefited from them. You may wonder how I transferred everything around me into a new step of goal to achieve and really make it. Life is not really bad if you know how to handle it.
Just to be more realistic, I have written 111 books on various subject, travelling all over the world, having a lot of programme through the media such as tv and radio, doing caunseling services for the public either face to face, by e-mail or sms, yet without having any stress recorded. How I do it? There's much more you have to know. See you than.





3E's Motivation Basic Tentative for 3 Days Programme

The programme are highly participative to maximize learning. The approaches used include motivational talks and off course 3E's breathing and 3E's therapy exercises.

Please surf, to watch our company profile video.




  1. * Formula 3E adalah formula yang dicipta serta dibangunkan sendiri oleh pengasasnya HM TUAH ISKANDAR. Formula ini berkesan dalam apa juga aspek pembangunan manusia termasuk membasmi masalah-masalah biasa dalam kehidupan dan kerjaya seperti kemalasan, lemah minda dan stres serta enggan menerima perubahan atau gagal berubah.
  2. * Peserta akan didedahkan dengan keupayaan minda dalam usaha mengejar misi, visi dan objektif syarikat dan juga penyelesaian masalah peribadi. Punca utama hilang motivasi dalam kerjaya serta gagal berubah mengikut keperluan semasa adalah apabila seseorang pekerja itu gagal memahami diri sendiri dan gagal absorb matlamat kewujudan jabatan dalam dirinya.
  3. * Sesi ini akan mendedahkan para peserta dengan pelbagai fakta mengapa mereka perlu menerima perubahan serta sanggup berdepan dengan cabaran baru.


Pada akhir kursus seharusnya para peserta

  1. Akan merasai perbezaan pada dalaman masing-masing iaitu mereka akan lebih menghargai kehidupan dan kerja yang dilakukan.
  2. Mereka juga akan lebih tenang dan ketenangan ini akan dijelmakan dalam bentuk keikhlasan untuk bekerja dengan mengoptimumkan prestasi melalui semua kelebihan diri.
  3. Mengetahui kaedah sebenar membuang 'virus stres' atau 'bantahan dalaman' dalam diri dan menikmati hidup lebih sihat.
  4. Mendapat motivasi diri untuk cemerlang dan membina sejarah diri yang luar biasa dalam kerjaya.
  5. Merasai kebahagiaan sebenar dan merasakan diri lebih bijak dalam mendepani apa juga bentuk masalah sama ada dalam hidup mahupun kerjaya.
  6. Belajar mengawal emosi diri setelah melibatkan diri sepenuhnya dengan aktiviti senaman pernafasan dan terapi 3E.
  7. Cemerlang di dunia moga-moga cemerlang juga di akhirat.



Para peserta akan menerima:

  1. Button 3E
  2. Fail kursus 3E
  3. Pen 3E
  4. Pelbagai hadiah yang tidak disangka-sangka dan
  5. Hadiah perdana bernilai RM500 (ringgit Malaysia lima ratus) untuk (dua orang) peserta bertuah.


  • Para peserta hanya perlu mengenakan pakaian sukan sepanjang program ini, tetapi perlu bersedia dengan blaser korporat atau apa-apa yang seumpama untuk sesi sharing, graduation and bergambar ramai.